How to Become a Deacon


Who is a deacon

A deacon is a baptized member of the Episcopal Church who is called, formed, and ordained to lead God’s people in ministries of justice and compassion in the world. A deacon serves directly under and at the direction of a bishop and is charged to interpret to the Church the needs, concerns and hopes of the world and then help animate the peoples’ response. A deacon has a distinctive role in liturgy that symbolizes mission and carrying Good News out to a hurting world.

In order to form skilled and Gospel grounded deacons for the 21st century, the Episcopal School for Deacons offers the following process of formation.



Listen for God’s invitation to vocation (that the church names as “a call”).  This means practicing discernment, or the things that help you to hear God’s voice.  Spiritual practices like prayer, praying with scripture, meditation, retreats, the daily office, and other practices put you in a place where you are able to receive what the Spirit might be saying.

Discern in Community

Discernment usually begins with an individual, but it doesn’t stay there. Discernment for church orders is always done in and with the community. Talk and pray with congregational leaders, lay and ordained, trusted others, and a spiritual director to authenticate a call to serve and lead.

If the call seems strong and there is urging from the church community, attend a diocesan discernment day. Most Episcopal dioceses have some sort of introduction to the ordination process.  In the diocese of California, we have a Day of Discernment.  Also check out all the resources on the ordination process in the diocese of California.

Another good discernment tool for the whole community is Seeing the Deacon in our Midst, a discernment tool for congregations.

Also, read the ordination of a Deacon in the Book of Common Prayer, pages 537 – 547.

Begin the Church’s “formation process”

Ordination is a process and takes time. The process is guided by the “canons” or church law. Each diocese may also add requirements to those spelled out in The Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church (Refer to Title III, canons 6 & 7 for vocations.)

Enter The School for Deacons formation program

The School for Deacons welcomes students who have entered the ordination process in the Diocese of California. Click on these links, or on the side links for more specifics on the School for Deacons.